Gulf Cooperation Council & Syrian regime

The interview with the researcher and journalist Issam Khoury on Today’s Channel highlighted the recommendations of the Gulf Cooperation Council regarding the Syrian regime’s need to adhere to Arab recommendations, particularly concerning the refugee and kidnapping files. Khoury explained that these recommendations were in response to a tweet by the Iranian Revolution’s guide, which criticized the lack of commitment by Western and Arab countries to the promises made to Assad, emphasizing the Syrian regime’s alignment with the resistance axis. The discussion also expanded to address Iranian dominance over Syrian state institutions, the potential impact of activities in southern Lebanon on Syria, and their ramifications.

زيارة اعضاء من الكونغرس لمناطق المعارضة السورية

Exciting Developments in Syrian Politics 🌍Three Republican representatives have just completed a significant visit to regions within the Syrian opposition. Their mission? To push for decisive action from the Biden administration regarding the Syrian situation. 🇸🇾💥The writer and researcher, Issam Khoury, delved into the intricacies of this visit, shedding light on its multifaceted implications. He…

مقابلة حول أحداث اللاذقية عام 2011

قناة سوريا 📰 الكشف عن القصص غير المروية للثورة السورية 🇸🇾💥 تعرفوا على الصحفي عصام خوري،الملتزم بروح الثورة السورية والحقيقة، يروي خوري بوضوح الأحداث التي وقعت خلال احتجاجات اللاذقية، ويكشف عن العواقب المروعة لحملة القمع القاتلة التي شنها النظام السوري على المتظاهرين الشجعان في مارس 2011. ولكن هذا ليس كل شيء. يمتد تأثير خوري إلى…