Nuclear Energy Between Peace And War: The story of destruction in the Middle East or its resurrection

In “Nuclear Energy Between Peace And War,” Issam Khoury skillfully navigates the intricate interplay of nuclear energy, geopolitics, and environmental challenges in the Middle East. Meticulous in dissecting dual energy applications and geopolitical tensions, Khoury’s book offers profound insights, making it essential for those seeking a nuanced understanding of the region’s complexities.

The fate of Palestinian labor in Israel after the Gaza battles

By, Issam KhouryCSIORS, Nov 2023, Technological advancements and foreign investments, estimated at $22.8 billion, have propelled the Israeli economy to rank tenth globally in 2022. Economic growth reached 4.8%. These numbers are significantly higher when compared to the Palestinian economy, where the Palestinian GDP reached $13.6 billion in 2021[1], equivalent to 2.6% of Israel’s total GDP…

Rebellions and Realignments: Shifting Strategies in the Syrian Crisis

Before the revelation of the military rebellion by the Wagner Company on June 23, 2023, against the Kremlin, a distinct political rebellion unfolded against the Russians, spearheaded by the Kazakh Foreign Ministry.
In the twentieth round of the Astana negotiations addressing the Syrian issue on June 20, 2023, the Kazakh Deputy Foreign Minister, Kanat Tumysh, made a statement declaring it to be “The final negotiation round on Syria.”
By, Issam Khoury

مشروع مناطق متوازية

خارطة طريق لحل الخلافات السوريين برعاية أمريكية ، وإشراف شخصيات سورية تؤمن بثقافة التعايش والحرية والعدالة الإنسانية ، لضمان التنفيذ السوري الناجح لقرارات جنيف (1) بعيدًا عن التدخل الروسي غير المجدي في اجتماعات أستانة بقلم الباحث: عصام خوري المركز التشيكي السلوفاكي للدراسات المشرقية & مركز التنمية البيئة والاجتماعية حزيران ٢٠٢٣ المرحلة الأولى: ضبط الحدود السورية-العراقية…

Honoring Anwar Al-Bunni in New York

Political literature shows “The Art of the Possible ” as a pragmatic case, far from ideal thought, but if this art adheres to the standards of constitutional rights of great nations, it will serve a basic idea, which is constitutional justice.

The de facto ruler of the Iraqi Shiites

Issam Khoury published a Policy paper entitled The de facto ruler of the Iraqi Shiites, on Nov 2022. The text analyzes the dynamics of relations between Iraqi Islamists and Iran.
Al-Sadr and the United States are not consensual, but in politics, there is nothing impossible. Therefore, if Washington and Israel are serious in their efforts to dwarf Iranian expansion in the Arab region, they should support the Arab countries against Tehran with intelligence and logistics, in order to provide Al-Sadr with what enables him to eliminate his opponents and restore the Shiites Iraqis for the Iraqi identity, and this matter is met with thirst by all Iraqis who have realized that the Iranian project in Iraq is a subversive project and cannot become a development project.

Fatemiyoun or ISIS?

The beneficiary of these operations is not only the Islamic State but there is a regional power, the most prominent of which is Tehran, in addition to the Syrian regime that seeks to portray itself as a political regime, but a not radical extremist group, although this regime made many war crimes and genocide and these massacres exceeded the crimes of extremist radical groups.
By, Issam Khoury

The Muslim Brotherhood and the Turkish government

Issam Khoury published a Policy paper entitled The Muslim Brotherhood and the Turkish Government. The text analyzes the dynamics of relations between Turkish Islamist figures and the secular state and the recent development of pressure on the Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey.

فاطميون أم داعش

المستفيد من هذه العمليات ليس الدولة الإسلامية وحسب، بل هناك قوة إقليمية من أبرزها طهران، بالإضافة للنظام السوري الذي يسعى لتصوير نفسه كفريق سياسيا غير راديكالي متطرف رغم أنه متسبب بجرائم حرب وإبادة جماعية، تفوق بحجمها جرائم الجماعات الراديكالية المتطرفة
بقلم: عصام خوري